
WELCOME to the facility - Mary Ann Utterback, marjorie Nixt, Donald Pett, Delores Richter, Wayne Schumacher. Adala Springmier, Richard Tekippe and Lloyd Drewelow
. . . and to the Team - Cherie Gibson, Mackenzie Boullion, Shawna Abbas, Kayla Klatt, Shelby Lau, Jennie Emery, Tori Haugebak and Kelsey Rohwedder
RESIDENT BIRTHDAYS - Lloyd Schanfeld - 6, Majella Koudelka - 6, Fr. Marvin Salz - 25, Bea Davison - 29, Betty Kreisel - 30
ASSISTED LIVING BIRTHDAYS - Karen O'Connell -13, Ramona Gates - 29
STAFF BIRTHDAYS - Nancy Copper - 1, Nona Reicks - 2, Angela Lenehan - 3, Sara Ptacek - 7, Angela Mangrich - 24, Ariana Rathbone - 25,
Donna Rosonke - 25, Taylor Perkins - 27, Rebecca Schilling - 28
STAFF BIRTHDAYS - MaryAnn Flatjord - 21 yrs., Angela Lenehan - 9 yrs., Hannah Leichtman - 2 yrs.
Thank you for staying with us. We're glad that you were able to return home after your stay - Jerry Miller
Our heartfelt thoughts go to the families of: Alice Rethamel, Wayne Schumacher and Agnes Gebel. We are grateful for the privilege to have known them.