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New Hampton's Campus Courier: September 19 courier
I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer, as it is hard to believe September is around the corner. Soon we will no longer have to worry about the heat and humidity and we will start to enjoy cooler days as the seasons change. This month we will be celebrating International...
Flu-season is fast approaching and we will soon be sending out information regarding your option to receive the influenza vaccine. Influenza is a respiratory illness that typically is spread through coughing or sneezing. Flu-vaccines are designed to protect against certain strains of influenza A and B viruses. Yearly vaccination is...
September is National Pain Awareness Month. There are two types of pain: acute and chronic. As the names suggest, acute pain is a condition lasting anywhere from a couple days to weeks, while chronic pain can endure for months or even years. Physical and Occupational Therapy can help address both...
September is upon us and that means summer is coming to a close. Many of us enjoy Fall, it's our favorite season. Kids are back in school or college and that means it should be a little quieter at home. Many of us are preparing for fall weather, be it...
I guess it's time to say good-bye to summer but we're going to do it with a little flair. We'll have a Luau along with margaritas on the beach and give it a proper send off! Please feel welcome to join us, Wednesday, September 3rd at 2:00. With Fall coming...
WELCOME to the facility - Mary Ann Utterback, marjorie Nixt, Donald Pett, Delores Richter, Wayne Schumacher. Adala Springmier, Richard Tekippe and Lloyd Drewelow . . . and to the Team - Cherie Gibson, Mackenzie Boullion, Shawna Abbas, Kayla Klatt, Shelby Lau, Jennie Emery, Tori Haugebak and Kelsey Rohwedder RESIDENT BIRTHDAYS...
With the cooler temps, it feels like Fall is in the air. At this time we here at Kensington are welcoming some new tenants and staff. We are excited to have them join us. This month we celebrate Assisted Living Week, September 8th - 13th. We will do some fun...