Kensington Place Assisted Living
We had a great turnout for our Family Picnic during Assisted Living Week. Thank you to all who came to help celebrate that week.
If you know of someone who might be interested in moving to Kensington, please inquire sooner rather than later, as we currently have limited availability. We will be getting flu shots in and hope to have them by mid to late October. All tenants are welcome to receive one as I will be checking with each individual to see if they'd like to receive it, however they do not have to get one. If you feel as though you would like this soon, you are welcome to get it from the clinic or pharmacy of choice. We also want to remind everyone that Mollie B will be coming to Kensington again on October 15th at 1:00. We do not need reservations, however we would like everyone to bring an item to donate to the local food pantry. Thank you!