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New Hampton's Campus Courier: May 2018 New Hampton
May is upon us and I am hoping this means warmer weather! We are eager to enjoy some nice days outside. This month we will be recognizing and celebrating our nurses. National nurse’s week is May 6th through the 12th. Please help us in thanking our nurse’s that serve our...
Hayley and I would like to introduce the Antibiotic Stewardship initiative. Antibiotic Stewardship refers to a set of commitments and actions designed to optimize treatment of infections while reducing the adverse events associated with antibiotic use. The Center for Disease Control recommends that all nursing homes take steps to improve...
By the time you read this, the month of May will have started. Hopefully this month will be more like Spring than the first half of April. In May there are a lot of celebrations going on. We start with Mother's Day, then we move on the celebrations of graduating...
Hopefully we are done with the snow, and will start to have warmer weather! Our new menu cycle will begin this month. It will be nice to have some summer fruits and veggies! If the weather stays nice, we will be able to start grilling again! Everyone always enjoys delicious...
May is the month of "M's"! May Day Mother's Day Cinco de Mayo Memorial Day Please feel free to come and join us for one or all of these special "M" celebrations that we will be having this month! Fun will be had by all! Check out our calendar of...
WELCOME to the facility - Shirley Goff, Francis Reicks and Richard Tekippe! . . . and to the Team - Samantha Flugge, Melissa Cox, Renata Sittig, Krystina Lipa, Anita Preston and Jayden Usher! GOODBYE and good luck to Roger Goodrich and Charles Pierce! RESIDENT BIRTHDAYS - Adrian Freidhof 5/2 and...
We are all hoping we can start to have some warm and dry weather for the month of May. We plan to get outside and out to the Gazebo for some activities this month weather pending. We continue to have our monthly made to order breakfast every month & most...