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New Hampton's Campus Courier: June 2020
It is hard to believe it is already June, and we are almost half way through the year 2020 and quite frankly it has not been the year that I had envisioned as I am sure almost everyone can agree with that. I have done much self-reflecting through this pandemic...
In the month of May we observed National Nurses Week and in June we will be observing National Nursing Assistants Week. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our nursing staff for the caring and dedication they provide each and every day to our residents. We...
During these trying times we have shared much joy and laughter also. The wonder in their eyes when they FaceTime or Skype with family and can't imagine how you can be right there on the I Pad has been a great experience to be a part of - continue to...
June is Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month. An estimated 5.8 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's disease today. It is the most common cause of dementia. While there are some medications that can temporarily improve cognitive symptoms, unfortunately none can slow or stop the damage and destruction of neurons that...
Hope this finds everyone doing well! Well, the "shortages" have made their way to us! We are not getting everything I'm ordering, so I am having to make some substitutions on the menus for our residents. This makes it interesting some weeks, but we will make it! We had a...
WELCOME to the facility - Alvina Imoehl . . . and to the Team - Hannah Wiltse, Marlys Berst, Alicia Fink, Kenneth Davis, Cassandra Nosbisch and Quanesha Jackson RESIDENT BIRTHDAYS - Dorothy Dorn - 4, Roger Nosbisch - 7, Irma Hageman - 8 ASSISTED LIVING BIRTHDAYS - Vernon Wikner -...