From the Administrator

Happy July! I hope that you all have had some time to enjoy this wonderful summer weather through class reunions, family reunions and/or vacation.
We were busy this past month with participating in the area parades. We were happy to see many of you at them!
Some of you may have already received your new Medicare cards, if not please stay tuned for these in the mail. If you could drop off a copy of the new card to the business office, we would greatly appreciate it. As a reminder, once you receive this card, please dispose of your old card, being sure to shred the old card as these have your social security numbers on them.
We ask that if you bring snacks in for your loved ones, please put these items in sealable containers. We have noticed many open packages of snacks in resident rooms. We appreciate your help with this matter to help eliminate any potential pests.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July!