The time we have been waiting for has finally arrived! The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the Emergency Use of the COVID-19 vaccination through Pfizer-BioNTech. Each resident representative should have received a mail-out from the facility regarding the COVID-19 vaccination. In this mail-out it included a consent form to...
Happy New Year!! We hope everyone has a great and healthy 2021! With everything going on we could all benefit from increasing our immune system. Here are some tips to increase your immunity. Eat immune boosting foods such as green vegetables, blueberries and green tea. Take a probiotic or eat...
Happy New Year! We are thankful for all our friends and family! This year has surely been different for all of us and we are excited for new things to come. We have received so many cards and letters, along with treats and new gadgets to get us through these...
WELCOME to the facility - Kenneth Klotz, Alona Knutson, Leo Rasing, Francis Reicks and Jerome Marion. . . . and to the Team - Rylee Schumacher, Jessica Baker, Jaycie Byrne and Norah Orthaus RESIDENT BIRTHDAYS - Darlene Lansing-7, Mary Shinstine-12, Paul Hassman-23, Germaine Denner-25, Lloyd Drewelow-29 and Lillian Chipera-31 ASSISTED...

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