Notes from Nursing
Hayley and I would like to discuss CPR, the risks and benefits and encourage anyone with questions to call or speak to us at the facility. CPR status can be changed at any time. If you would like more information on CPR or code status, please don't hesitate to ask. Below is important information we feel that may be beneficial if you are unsure of your loved one's CPR status and if that status should be changed to better fit your loved ones' current medical status.
On television shows such as ER, CPR brings the patient back to life about 75 percent of the time, but it only works 17 percent of the time on healthy patients. In many situations where the patient has multiple medical conditions, the chance of success is minimal.
Most people don't understand the complications that CPR can cause. When the health-care team is pushing on the person's chest, there is a chance of broken ribs or a collapsed lung. The longer the patient can't breathe, the greater the chance is for brain damage. The success rate will depend on the health of the patient, the patient's age, how quickly CPR was begun and other medical factors.
The following are tips for Seniors and Family Members when making the difficult decision about CPR.
1. Make sure you understand what really happens during CPR.
2. CPR doesn't work like you see on television.
3. CPR will not change the underlying cause of your condition and it might make you worse.
4. Think about the kind of death you are choosing.
5. The decision about CPR is only one part of a great end-of-life plan.
Hayley & Kristina