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New Hampton's Campus Courier: February
February is the month that most people recognize the gift of love and what is in their hearts for another as well as how to keep your heart healthy. It is our heart healthy month! It is always important to recognize the importance of our physical as well as emotional...
With the cold weather and dry air upon us, we would like to remind everyone of our humidifier policy. Residents that have a humidifier in their room, we ask that one family member oversee cleaning and replacing the filter monthly. The facility will have housekeeping clean and dust the humidifier...
Well, we brought in the New Year with a bang!!!! We had many tenants come out to our New Year’s party. Currently we are not experiencing any flu or colds in our facility, however this is the time of the year where germs spread quickly and we need to keep...
Hi everyone! As I write this, it's in the upper 30's outside, I hope it stays like this. If you bring baked goods in to one of your family members and take it to their room, could you please date it? That way staff know how long it's been there...
Well February is upon us. Hopefully it will be nicer than what we had in January. February 2nd is Groundhog Day and hopefully the groundhog won't see his shadow and we can get winter over sooner. And of course in February we celebrate Valentine's Day. Let that special person in...
WELCOME to the facility . . . Evelyn Bearman, Elizabeth Duneman and Francis Hentges . . . and to the team - Lacey Myhre RESIDENT BIRTHDAYS - Bill Wahl - 5, Rita Rasing - 6, Gert Houser - 14, Connie Mohr - 15, Patsy Kocher - 16, Lynn Kerns -...
Love is in the air this time of year, so we'll be making sweet treats and decorations following this theme. The Winter Olympics are also being held this year, so we'll have some fun events that revolve around that. We'll celebrate Mardi Gras with pancakes on Fat Tuesday and Bead...