Notes from Nursing

Flu season began October 1st and will go through at least the end of March. Our residents that consented have already received their Quadrivalent influenza vaccination within the last 2 weeks. Long-term care facilities are at high risk for developing influenza outbreaks, therefore we work hard to ensure our residents stay healthy. The flu can be spread between and among residents, health care providers and visitors. Elderly people in long-term care facilities may experience severe and fatal illnesses during outbreaks and that is why it is so important to get vaccinated. If you are experiencing cold or flu symptoms, please schedule your outdoor visit at a later date or call the facility to schedule a phone or video visit. We are hoping to be able to schedule indoor visits once our county Covid-19 positivity rates decrease to an acceptable range per CMS and the facility has not identified any positive cases of residents or staff for 14 days. The facility also plans to re-open Janet's beauty shop once the facility remains Covid-19 free for 14 days.
Hayley & Tessa