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New Hampton's Campus Courier: Campus Courier November 2020
Flu season began October 1st and will go through at least the end of March. Our residents that consented have already received their Quadrivalent influenza vaccination within the last 2 weeks. Long-term care facilities are at high risk for developing influenza outbreaks, therefore we work hard to ensure our residents...
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an umbrella term used to describe progressive lung diseases such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and non-reversible asthma. People with COPD suffer with continued and increasing breathlessness. Too often, patients with COPD avoid exercise because of their shortness of breath. Without exercise and improving endurance,...
This is the time of year we are thankful for all the blessings we receive throughout the year We are thankful to be warm and to have people to care for us. Although we miss our families we are thankful for Zoom calls FaceTime and window visits and even outdoor...
WELCOME to the facility . . . Bonnie Welden . . . and to the Team - Asiasna Toney, Megan Herman, Catherine Schmidt, Terry Tucker and Emily Jackson ASSISTED LIVING BIRTHDAYS - Maurice Randall - 14 STAFF BIRTHDAYS - Tammy Springer-8, Amy Orr-12, Beth Schwickerath-28 and Victoria Jordan-29 STAFF ANNIVERSARIES...