Millennium Therapy
May is Speech Therapy Month! Seniors may have many reasons for speech therapy. Here are five conditions where speech therapy is used.
Aphasia - This is a comprehension and communication (reading, speaking, or writing) disorder resulting from damage or injury to the specific area in the brain.
Dementia - The speech pathologist works to help patients retain the ability to communicate as much as possible, keeping a routine that makes them comfortable and avoiding distractions.
Dysarthria - This is a condition in which the muscles used for speech are either weak or difficult to control. Seniors with Parkinson's disease or other conditions of the nervous system, are at risk for dysarthria due to the weakness or paralysis caused by their condition.
Apraxia - People who have this disorder find it difficult or impossible to make certain motor movements, even though their muscles are normal. Milder forms of apraxia are known as dyspraxia.
Dysphagia - This is a condition in which a person's ability to eat and drink is disrupted. The speech pathologist observes how physical structures needed for swallowing are functioning and recommends seating and laying positions, food modifications, and modifications for eating and drinking utensils