WELCOME to the facility - Larry Straw, Dale Meirick, Lois Tierney, Dean Knoll and Alice Klassen

. . . and to the Team -Catherine Wegner and Sue Ellen Lechtenberg


ASSISTED LIVING BIRTHDAYS - Francis Reicks-11, Lucille Reicks-12, Shirley Hansen-17, Alvina Imoehl-19

STAFF BIRTHDAYS - Natalie Brietbach-4, Lynette McCabe-5, Bill Theis-11, Caitlin Tiedt-11, Ashlynn Tank-21

STAFF ANNIVERSARIES - Becky Eichenberger - 36 yrs., Sara Rahlf - 19 yrs., Hayley Massman - 11 yrs., Elaine Mayo - 11 yrs. 

 Kaitlain Schmitt - 4 yrs., Lyn Bailey - 7 yrs., Amy Orr - 1 yr.

Our heartffelt thoughts go to the families of:  Delores Lienemann, Heinz Engel, Ruth Miller, Dale Meirick, Mike Hammer and Virginia Laures

Thank you for staying with us.  We're glad that you were able to return home or transfer to a new home or our Assisted Living - Dennis Hereid, Francella Burgart, Lee Selck Dean Knoll and Mary Nelson