The facility had a successful first COVID-19 vaccination clinic on Tuesday, January 5th. The second clinic date was also held on Tuesday, January 26th which was also a great success and third and final clinic date is scheduled for Tuesday, February 16th. We are grateful for the partnership to receive...
February is all about the HEART! Heart disease is a major threat to senior health - in fact, 84 percent of people age 65 years and older die from heart disease. Though heart disease risks increase with age, it doesn't have to be an inevitable part of getting older. Here...
Let me call you Sweetheart - just let me call you! We still welcome FaceTime, Skype and Zoom. We also have a Google Nest Hub on each end of the building if you want to connect with us this way, until we can meet indoors or in person. Also, thanks...
WELCOME to the facility - Karen Anderson and Tony Klenske . . . and to the Team - Aaliyah Gray, Susan Keune, Staci Taylor, Carlee Miller, Daisy Salvador and Katy Doyle RESIDENT BIRTHDAYS - Rita Rasing-6, Nadine Schumacher-14, Bonnie Welden-23, Alona Knutson-24 ASSISTED LIVING BIRTHDAYS - STAFF BIRTHDAYS - Aaliyah...