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New Hampton's Campus Courier: April 2019 NH
I would like to thank all our tenants, residents and families for their feedback from our satisfaction surveys. We received some great feedback! As a reminder, we complete these surveys bi-annually and greatly appreciate your time and comments while completing these. Our goal is always to continue to make improvements...
With Spring and warmer weather upon us, we are asking that you take some time and go through your loved one's closet and remove winter clothing, as this will assist staff in picking out appropriate seasonal clothing. Hayley and I are also excited to share that Northeast Iowa Community College...
Hoping for better weather this month so we can gear up to spend some time outside. I look forward to seeing many tenants out walking and enjoying the weather. I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone to watch out for one another outside. Now that the weather is...
April showers bring May flowers - and we are ready for those flowers! We have many fun Spring activities in store, so feel free to stop by and check it out. We would like to extend a huge thank you to Holy Family Parish and the Bernard and Calista Laures...
April is here and that means spring is here. We survived another winter, but winter sure wasn't nice this year. It started out okay, then it turned bitterly cold and after that we got all that snow! Hopefully we won't have to go through that again for sometime now. Now...
Hello Everyone! Now that spring has sprung, hope the weather is nice, and with warmer weather we are looking forward to grilling season and outdoor activities. Enjoy the weather, Sara
Spring has finally arrived! We hope you are all enjoying this nice weather. April is Occupational Therapy Month!! In case you were wondering, Occupational Therapy (OT) is a skilled rehabilitative service that focuses on increasing functional independence, social participation, and quality of life through the therapeutic use of Activities of...
WELCOME to the facility - Lucille Mckay, Fr. marvin Salz, Arlene Boeding, Lloyd Schanfeld, Wesley Isenhower, Albert Hartmann and Terence McCann . . . and to the Team - Rebecca Schilling, Loretta Drier, Kennedy Huffman RESIDENT BIRTHDAYS - Mike Hammer - 11, Edna Pickar - 18 STAFF BIRTHDAYS - Danielle...